We are having such a great time! If you have a trip that you have always thought of taking, but have not gotten around to it….stop procrastinating and plan that trip. None of us are getting any younger! Do not let your life slip away without enjoying your big adventure. 💜💜💜
There is a local gentleman and amazing artist that hangs around the marina, named Brooks. He uses his engraver and you bring him your favorite bottle and he will create a design for you. He also uses an etching solution to finish his designs, but when he was working on our bottle, he couldn’t find his paint brushes. I went to the boat, into my rock painting box and gave him 4 brushes. He was so thankful. We love our bottle!
At the end of the dock here in Great Harbor Cay, the fishing boats come in every couple of days and sell their catch. Most of what they catch is packaged and sent to area islands like Nassau or the restaurant here on Great Harbour Cay. I was able to purchase a dozen fresh lobster tails for $30. I ate three for dinner, three for lunch a few days later and froze 6 of them. So good!😊
Being part of a group, all who own the same design of boats, creates an instant group of friends. Some of the owners we have met at previous PDQ rendezvous in Stuart and others while traveling down the ICW, but once we all arrive in the Bahamas, we are like one big happy family. We have helped each other with boat projects, got to know each other at cocktail parties at the marina or just hanging out on the dock.
When a weather window opens, some folks head north to the Abacos or south to Spanish Wells and the Exumas. Others like us, travel together staying in the Berry Islands. Last weekend, 7 boats traveled from Bullock Harbor down to Hoffmann’s Cay to see the Blue Hole. https://www.bahamas.com/plan-your-trip/things-to-do/hoffmans-cay-blue-hole
Some of the more adventurous guys jumped in (like Gerry 🤪), while the rest of us enjoyed the walk and sights.
We had to travel between Harbors at high tide. The average depth during the ride over was 4 ft, at low tide, parts are just a sand bar. After about an hour or two, we moved a bit further South to Little Harbour Cay to Flo’s Conch Restaurant for drinks and appetizers.
Then, we all grabbed an appetizer to share and got together on Tom and Kim’s boat “Branching Out” (they own a nursery in the Berkshire’s of MA).
In the morning, Gerry went fishing off the dingy! Check out this Yellow Jack. He also had a Barracuda on the line just, but as it was reaching the boat, it bite the line and swam away, thank goodness. At night we would turn the underwater lights on and being so shallow, the bottom of the ocean looked the moon! It was just amazing.
I mentioned high tide, we typically had 4 ft and at low tide about 6 inches under our boat. Gerry was able to clean the bottom and we could actually see the anchor! He is standing on the anchor in the picture below. The water is just amazing! He did wear the wet suit when cleaning the bottom because of the amount of time he was in the water. Yes, he did see a 4 ft shark swim by! Eek!
Pictures of the PDQ’s at Flo’s.
With the weather cooperating we stayed two nights. At low tide, we grabbed the paddle boards and dinghies and hung out on a sand bar, until the tide came up!
Yesterday, the wind had picked up, so not much of a beach or fishing day, so we played games from 1 pm until 5 pm. I have not laughed that much in a long time. This morning, we are making more water and Gerry is changing the impellers on the engines as preemptive maintenance .
As today is Feb 14th, Happy Valentine’s 💘 Day! About 20 of us are going to dinner tonight at CoolieMae's Sunset By The Sea!
A very close friend back in CT has a blog! Loved this post! Check her out!
Great pictures again...love the night time Pic of the bottom with the underwater lights on.
Love this so much. It looks like you are having a great time. Miss you. Xoxo
Love that you are enjoying retirement and living your BEST life! Well deserved. Let us know when you get back to FL!!